Privacy policy

Plamar Tecnologia Maritima Ltda, registered with the CNPJ under nº 28.310.180/0001-27, with professional address at Avenida Affonso Penna 755, Room 4, declares that it collects, receives and stores the following Visitor data on the website, you wish to send a message through this platform: Name, email and telephone number.

By voluntarily making data available, the VISITOR freely and expressly CONSENTS to it being collected, stored and processed, in accordance with the rules set out in these Terms.

Visitor data will be used solely and exclusively for identification, responding to messages and sending information, with the option to specifically revoke the latter at any time. The data will remain confidential, will not be shared with third parties under any circumstances or specifically without prior and express notice, and will be anonymized or discarded at any time at the Visitor’s request via message to

Plamar Tecnologia Marítima Ltda declares for itself, its employees and third parties that they carry out all permitted measures to protect the data it processes, in accordance with Law 13,709/2018 – General Data Protection Law, appearing personally as in charge and responsible for the data .

This website uses cookies and information from your navigation (browser session) with the aim of profiling the public and digital positioning strategies. During the entire process, data is kept confidential and is not manipulated by humans, as the system is automated.

Updated on “12/19/2023”

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